Maximum Resolution
Maximum Value
HDRI-Studio environment maps have been designed to produce different lighting effects as they are rotated giving many lighting options per file.
Click on the preview icons to see the lighting effects achieved
by rotating the hdri file 360° in 30° steps on a simple scene. There is also a thumbnail of the hdri file used in each instance.
SME site license
For use on up to ten computers at any one site
Links to Single User and Corporate (10+ users) site licence order pages.
Choose the resolution you need from the pop-up menus. If you have read and agree to the terms of the license, click on the Yes button at the bottom of the page to proceed. Your order will be placed through the secure server at and they will send you the necessary download details.
Big Value Bundles
In addition to the individual files you can order from this page, there are file bundles offering substantial discounts.
Sampler Bundles are low cost, low resolution files for experimentation.
Pro Bundles are maximum resolution environments at exceptional value prices.
Three rectangular softboxes. Two key lights and one fill. Basic lighting for many object types including bottles etc.
Three rectangular softboxes. Two key lights and one fill at one stop under. Basic lighting for many object types including bottles etc.
Three rectangular softboxes. Two key lights and one fill at two stops under. Basic lighting for many object types including bottles etc.
Three rectangular softboxes. One key light and two fill lights with the fill lights at one stop under. Basic lighting for many object types.
Three rectangular softboxes. One key light and two fill lights with the fill lights at two stops under. Basic lighting for many object types.
One overhead softbox as a fill light and one vertical softbox key light.
One overhead softbox as a fill light and two vertical softbox key lights.
One overhead softbox as a fill light and one strip softbox key light. Ideal for bottles where tall narrow highlights are required.
One overhead softbox as a fill light and two strip softbox key lights.Ideal for bottles where tall narrow highlights are required.
Hexagonal softbox angled overhead for key light and two vertical softbox fill lights.
Hexagonal softbox angled overhead for key light and one vertical strip softbox fill light.
One overhead softbox as a key light and two rotated softbox fill lights giving a broarder reflection.
One overhead softbox as a key light. This single light can be rotated into any position producing a wide range of effects, see preview.
One overhead hexagonal softbox as a key light. This single light can be rotated into any position producing a wide range of effects. See preview.
Softbox tent with one grey side and one black side. Ideal for chrome and situations where very soft contact shadows are required.
Softbox tent with two black sides for chrome and situations where very soft contact shadows are required
One overhead softbox with one strip light and one softbox.
One hexagonal softbox overhead with two rotated softboxes giving broad highlights.
Angled hexagonal softbox with two strip softboxes either side.
Hexagonal softbox angled above with two standard softboxes,
and white a strip softbox positioned around the vertical axis.
Hexagonal white softbox above with white, navy, and mint green gelled rectangular softboxes positioned around the vertical axis.
Hexagonal white softbox above with white, pale navy and marine blue gelled rectangular softboxes positioned around the vertical axis.
Hexagonal white softbox above with white, straw, and pale blue gelled rectangular softboxes positioned around the vertical axis.
Hexagonal white softbox above with white, yellow, and pale blue gelled rectangular softboxes positioned around the vertical axis.
Hexagonal blue softbox above with blue softbox, yellow softbox, and white a strip softbox positioned around the vertical axis.
Hexagonal blue softbox above with blue softbox, mint green softbox, and white a strip softbox positioned around the vertical axis.
White softbox above with yellow softbox, straw softbox, and white a strip softboxes positioned around the vertical axis.
White softbox overhead with opposing diagonal strips, one blue and one mint green.
Hexagonal white softbox above with white, pale blue, and mustard green gelled rectangular softboxes positioned around the vertical axis.
Hexagonal white softbox above with white, purple, and green gelled rectangular softboxes positioned around the vertical axis.
Blue and mint green point sources. Use as reflection mapped environment.
Brass and blue lights with motion streaks. Use as reflection mapped environment.
Yellow and blue and white abstracted point sources. Use as reflection mapped environment.
Multi colored light sources with orange and blue dominant. Use as reflection mapped environment or background image.
Cool greens and blue lights. Use as reflection mapped environment.
Abstracted hex overhead and two softboxes in green, blue and orange.
Recommended for reflection map only.
Abstracted hex overhead and two softboxes in blue tones.
Recommended for reflection map only.
Abstracted dish and angled strip in orange and blue.
Recommended for reflection map only.